Coffee with Jane Evans, founder of The Uninvisability Project
In 2015, Jane applied for over 180 jobs and got 5 interviews. After a 30-year successful career in advertising, she found herself in her early 50s, seemingly unemployable. Rather than moan about it, she decided to fix it and created The Uninvisibility Project to shine a light on the issue and get more midlife women hired.
Coffee with Chris Ward
Chris Ward knows something about perfectionism - he just wrote a book about it! Perfectionism can make people feel that they are never good enough. We talk about letting go of expectations and serendipity.
Coffee with Jeff Tidwell
What do you do when you notice you are no longer the youngest guy in the room? The answer for Jeff Tidwell, the founder of Next For Me, is start a new business, build a community and start conversations.
Coffee with Mark Cranwell
Courage to try and the courage to take chances. If you want to make a change or try something new, it couldn’t be more important. We talk to Mark Cranwell, MD Block9 who has spent his career saying yes.
Coffee with Neil Gibson
If you take a risk and it pays off it, every day you get to do something you love. That was the thinking that led Neil Gibson from management consultancy to graphic novel publishing.
Coffee with Fleur Emery
Think you are unemployable in mainstream work environments? Fleur Emery, start-up expert and columnist at Courier Magazine did and this realisation and her desire to keep her life simple was life-changing.
Coffee with Emma Cook
What are the most important qualities for sustaining a fulfilling career as you get older and how do you stay relevant? We ask Emma Cook, Assistant Editor of The Observer Magazine.